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Labrador Sands Inc. will help integrate minerals and clean hydroelectricity to produce value-add products with near-zero carbon emissions.

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The Company

The Sands – the basis.

The Future – making Silicon Carbide.

The Immediate – producing biochar.

Inviting investors, JV partners, Service Providers, and New Team Members



January 17, 2023 (Halifax, NS) – A modern biochar production plant is targeted to begin production in Q3 2023 in Nova Scotia using proven technology used in more than 30 countries. The final site selection will conclude in the next few weeks. The new operating company is Scotia BioChar Inc. It invites interest from parties to host the plant, joint venture partners, investors, service providers, and most importantly after the location is finalized, individuals with an interest to become a team member. 

The biochar opportunity is a result of a proven range of production uses for the mineral sands resource developed by Labrador Sands Inc (LSI) near Happy Valley-Goose Bay (NL) has been established through extensive testing and laboratory analysis to make ceramics and glass products. While evaluations remain ongoing for supply and joint venture opportunities to make glass products (container glass, float glass, cristobalite, glass fibers, etc.) as well as ceramic products (tiles, dinnerware, sanitaryware, etc.) – one key area of focus is making Silicon Carbide (SiC). SiC is an Advanced Ceramic with traditional uses (refractory, metalogical, abrasives, etc.) and an emerging product as a critical mineral/ceramic used to make micro-processing wafers and for Additive Manufacturing (3D printing) for components for aerospace, defense, energy, and automotive sectors.

LSI and related development teams are working with a broad group of firms for this future SiC production solution. The silica sands require an additional primary raw material to produce Silicon Carbide (SiC). The material under immediate advancement is producing biochar - the necessary carbon source to make SiC with near zero CO2 emissions. Using biochar as the carbon source will ensure a carbon-neutral SiC – a global first. 

While R&D continues for the future in making SiC – the immediate target is making biochar, important to any SiC development efforts. After 18 months of development, it has been proven that biochar as a standalone is a compelling business.

Biochar – proven technology-proven team

Scotia BioChar Inc was created to focus on producing biochar – the future target is to produce 25,000 tonnes per year, and the first step is to make 8,500 tonnes per year. Additional plants will be added once operational efficiencies have been established with the first plant.

Scotia BioChar has landed on a solution with a proven team; proven technology; proven operating model. Biochar uses waste wood biomass (tree fibers, sawdust, chips) and biosolids and is fed into an oxygen-starved kiln to make the product with a carbon content of 85%. Biochar (solids) and wood vinegar (liquid) uses:

  • Carbon sequestration – taking the CO2 emissions captured by trees and finding methods to lock that carbon into products for many decades – a significant environmental victory and an important revenue stream for Scotia BioChar.

  • Agriculture – as a soil amendment to improve crop yields; to reduce the use of fertilizers – biochar is applied once over the life of any farm and can be supplemented annually with fertilizers and compost. According to science, it takes up to 1,000 years to release the carbon captured in biochar.

  • Livestock – known emitters of methane, biochar reduces methane emissions and improves health.

  • Cement/concrete – biochar reduces a key raw material in cement, reducing CO2 emmissions and strengthening concrete by up to 20%.

  • A primary focus for Scotia BioChar is solving one of eastern Canada’s greatest environmental challenges. Wastewater and contaminated sites wastewater, the sites with harmful PFSA’s – the forever chemicals.

What does Scotia BioChar Produce?

There are several solutions that generate revenue – biochar, wood vinegar, SiC, special purposing of the kilns, and of course - CO2 offsets – for the Voluntary Carbon Markets.

Let’s look at biochar and wood vinegar – the rest is propriety.

Biochar for the agriculture sector improves soils (and water retention) and in replacing a portion of fertilizers with a solution that allows sequestered carbon to enhance the soil for over 100 years with a single application delivering improved crop yields and economics to farmers. Biochar has also been proven to benefit the concrete world by reducing CO2-intensive cement ingredients while strengthening the concrete by up to 20%. A rapidly emerging focus is addressing contaminated sites, water/wastewater treatment, and addressing PFSAs – the “forever chemicals”.

Wood vinegar is a natural product for several fields of application. In agriculture, wood vinegar has been used in vegetable cropping in order to combat disease, pest control, improve growth and fruit quality, seed germination accelerator as well as a herbicide. In pharmaceutical and medical applications, it is used for the preparation of detoxification pads while in veterinary and animal production, incorporation of the wood vinegar in feed could promote acidity in the large intestine to inhibit the growth of enteropathogenic microbes. In food processing, wood vinegar has a characteristic smoke flavor, and also exhibits microbial growth inhibition. In addition, several investigators reported that bio-oil and wood vinegar obtained from fast pyrolysis and carbonization showed high potential as an organic wood preservative. In summary, wood vinegar prepared from wood and/or biomass waste is widely beneficial.

First Plant, Experienced Operating Team/Partners

Scotia BioChar seeks to advance to three plants. The Scotia BioChar business model diminishes normal start-up concerns. The biochar operation will be headed up by Liz MacKenzie, EMBA, with 13 years of experience with related companies and environmental leadership. The R&D efforts to produce SiC to occur with other team members. An announcement will soon be made on the financing solution and the location of the first biochar plant. Nova Scotia has an experienced and talented group in forestry and bioenergy available for this operation allowing for a predictable ramp-up to production.

Expressions of interest to invest in the first plant or future plants are invited. Areas open to partner:

  • Entrepreneur/JV partner for Contaminated Site Remediation/Cleanups (soils and wastewater).

  • Post-site selection - reliable and local labour talent (above-average wages + benefits + bonuses) – this is a key factor in choosing the final site.

  • Wood biomass suppliers.

  • Biomass trucking (2,000+ trips annually).

  • Wood-chipping operators (35,000 tpa).

  • Selling/Trading CO2 offset/credits.

  • Business development talent/joint ventures for marketing/selling biochar and wood vinegar, e.g.:

    • Firms selling fertilizers or other products to farmers.

    • Firms selling to cement/concrete producers.

    • Firms engaged in the cleanup of containment sites/wastewater treatment.

  • R&D scientists for agriculture applications and working with farmers (crops and livestock).

  • Application Scientists using biochar/pyrolysis for concrete and contaminated sites.

  • Biochar technical and market consultants

  • Life Cycle Assessments of CO2 offsets and compliance.

  • Local building & site construction, technology & equipment installation, and maintenance.


Francis MacKenzie, President and CEO - Bedford, NS

President and Director of Grand River Ironsands since 2007.

Mr. MacKenzie is a builder and leader of public companies and has operated several businesses.

He was a senior official in municipal and provincial governments in economic development roles, including heading up Investment and Trade for the Province of Nova Scotia.  He was Leader of a provincial political party.  
He has raised over $40 million for companies he has been involved over the past 15 years and remains active in capital raising and financial markets.  
He holds an EMBA ('92) from Saint Mary's University and a BBA from St. Francis Xavier University ('82).


Kitura Pittman, Technical Manager - St. John's, NL

Kitura Pittman has been with the project since 2011.


Ms. Pittman has extensive knowledge on the sands asset in Labrador and was the key technical advisor on the Preliminary Economic Assessment the Company completed. 


Previously, Ms. Pittman was the Environmental Coordinator with Defense Construction Canada in Goose Bay, and also worked for Vale in Voisey's Bay as their Operations Manager.


Ms. Pittman has experience in tightly managing both personnel and budgets to deliver projects on time and cost.


She holds a BSc, Major: Geology ('02) from Saint Mary's University and is registered as a Professional Geologist with PEGNL since 2010. 

Liz MacKenzie, VP Development and Project Manager - Bedford, NS

Liz MacKenzie has been with the project since inception.


Ms. MacKenzie has excess of 5 years in handling all aspects of communications and investor relations for LSI and related companies. She has a strong understanding of the sands asset and the technical work required to achieve project delivery.


Ms. MacKenzie assisted on the Preliminary Economic Assessment for the Labrador sands. She co-lead the Bankable Feasibility Study for LSI's sister company's project in Quebec, where she was also co-lead on the $2 million environmental permitting. 


Ms. MacKenzie has an EMBA from Saint Mary's University ('21); BPR from Mount Saint Vincent University ('12).

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